Australian VET Sustainability
Applications will open in 2026.​
The VET Development Centre (VDC) in partnership with the International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) are offering one Fellowship:
One (1) International Travel Fellowship valued at $15,000.
The Fellowship is a year long program - travel and completion of report is within one year.

The Fellowship
The VDC Australian VET Sustainability Fellowship for VET Practitioners looks to support and enhance sustainable practices in the VET sector. This involves researching what innovations are occurring overseas and what products, services or processes are being adopted to generate long term social and environmental benefits.
This Fellowship is open to:
VET practitioners who are employed within a national Registered Training Organisation (RTO), including TAFEs and private RTOs.
Academic researchers with sustainability expertise whose applied research will have an impact on the VET sector.
Applicants welcome from all Australian states and territories provided they have an Australian Citizenship or Permanent Residency.
The VDC Australian VET Sustainability Fellowship for VET Practitioners involves travelling abroad to research new skills and best practice in areas such as clean and alternative energy, upcycling, recycling, innovative technologies and sustainable processes and procedures etc, then disseminate the findings to the Australian VET sector upon return.
The VET Development Centre
The VDC was established in 2005 by the Victorian Government to promote the development and raise the professional standing of people working in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector. The VDC specialises in providing continuing professional learning webinars, workshops, and seminars for teachers, trainers and educators in the Australian VET sector. The VDC is providing this fellowship opportunity to all Australian VET practitioners as part of its national program.
Fellowship Application Form
When completing this Fellowship Application Form please ensure you refer to the corresponding Fellowship.
Look at Application Guidelines for further information and tips.
If you do not have the correct documentation such as your CV, two letters of support and letter from employer, your application will not be considered.