Assessing Agriculture Authentically Using Mainstream Technology to Capture Authentic, Evidence of Competency in an Agriculture Context
Leanne Bunn
Fellowship Partner/Sponsor:
Department of Education & Training
Agriculture, Education
Agriculture, Education
With agricultural industries integrating more technology, work ready graduates will need digital
skills and digital literacy to prosper. This report explores the benefits of assessment strategies which
utilise mainstream technology to provide authentic evidence of competency, engage learners and develop their 21st century skills, particularly in the context of the agriculture sector.
The Fellow’s research included stops in Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands with visits to agricultural training colleges, University faculties and a veterinary consultancy group in September and October of 2017. A key recommendation from this Fellowship report includes the formation of collaborative relationships to promote sharing of initiatives, knowledge and experiences – particularly related to assessment strategies. The Fellow also pointed out a range of strategies, including mentoring, communities of practice and workshops that should be included.
Ireland, Netherlands, Scotland
Fellowship Year: