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Building Digital Resilience Through Effective Instructional Strategies


Emily Tucker

Fellowship Partner/Sponsor:

Victorian Skills Authority





This Fellowship report explores innovative digital literacy instructional strategies for empowering English as an Additional Language (EAL) migrant and refugee adult learners. The Fellow travelled to the USA to interview, observe and shadow leading teachers and researchers in the field. It was found that the challenges surrounding digital literacy can be addressed by embracing the notion of digital resilience within both learner and teacher practices. The focus is on fostering digital resilience by implementing effective instructional strategies including clear modelling and extensive scaffolding, strengths-based approaches, celebrating success, encouraging a flexible mindset and learner-centered instruction. Overall, this research underscores the importance of empowering teachers and learners with tools to navigate the evolving landscape of digital literacy.


United States

Fellowship Year:


Building Digital Resilience Through Effective Instructional Strategies
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