Natalie Roberts
Pioneering Vehicle Emissions Testing | 2012
Ian Potter Foundation Fellow
Limited real-world testing for vehicle emissions in Australia
Developed Australia’s First Real World Testing Program
About Natalie's 2012 Fellowship
In November 2023, ISS Institute Ian Potter Foundation Fellow, Natalie Roberts, launched Australia’s First Real World Testing Program alongside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, where the Commonwealth Government committed substantial funding to the program.
This government initiative and $14 million investment that impacts all Australians, directly stems from the knowledge and experiences gained by Natalie Roberts during her ISS Institute Fellowship.
Upon her return from her travels, Roberts utilised her newly acquired skills and knowledge to collaborate with the AAA in developing the first Real-World Test this country has seen. This initiative aims to reduce vehicle emissions and operational expenses, providing consumers and policymakers with an alternative assessment of Australian vehicle performance.

“If I hadn’t had done the ISS Institute Fellowship, this program would likely not be here today.”​

Image: 2012 ISS Institute Ian Potter Foundation Fellow Natalie Roberts representing ABMARC in the launch of the AAA’s Real-World Testing Program by the Prime Minister in Canberra in November 2023.